Captcha Ajax always works.
It works when the site cache is not active.
And even if the website cache is active.
Not just php and not just ajax with external servers but a mix of methods, all in your own server without the need for external accounts.
Captcha non ajax method work well against malicious bots, except where the cache for the site is active.
If there is a cache, the page is always repeated the same, including captcha.
And this is not good.
The problem can be solved by displaying the captcha with an asynchronous method.
Captcha is initialized by Javascript and is always different every time the page is called,
even if the server cache or a cache plugin is active.

Captcha-Ajax is a plugin for WordPress that does just that.
Display a captcha asynchronously.
There are several captcha possibilities, selectable from the admin page:
Dashboard -> Settings -> Captcha-Ajax Settings.
Thanks for the attention and use of captcha-ajax.
If you feel comfortable with this plugin, remember to make a donation.
Features of Captcha Ajax
The current version of Captcha Ajax includes: Read More …

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